Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year 2009

I have been inspired by Don Miller's superb trading journal to create a journal of my own, beginning January 2009. One of the things I am attracted by is the idea of using a journal to hold myself accountable to my goals, as a sort of benevolent but unseen witness to whom I have to report each day. I have found that it has been too easy for me to cop out of dealing with difficult trading situations by letting myself get distracted or switching my attention to some other task, answering the phone, etc. It became so obvious that at one time I began thinking of the phone as an indicator - whenever the phone would ring it would be a sign that a decent trade was about to set up!

My goals for 2009 are:
  1. I want to become consistent in my trading success, rather than up one day and and down the next
  2. I want to become significantly profitable, in other words, generating the kind of income that would create a significant difference to my lifestyle, rather than just making a few hundred and giving back much of it in commissions. The first step in this is a target of $500 profit per day consistently.
  3. I want to share my expertise with others, although this is frankly of lesser importance and would probably only happen if others start being interested. I'll leave that to the universe. As my wife would say, "If it's right, the universe will applaud". At this point I don't need to be some hotshot teacher. I've been there in my other work as a psychologist and consultant and while it was great, it's not what this is about. I need to do this for me now.

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